Manusia sebagai Makhluk Individu dan Sosial

A.   Kedudukan Manusia sebagai Makhluk Sosial dan Individu
1.    Kedudukan Manusia sebagai Makhluk Individu
i.    Manusia Sebagai Makhluk Tuhan
           Manusia sebagai makhluk individu diartikan sebagai person atau perseorangan atau sebagai diri pribadi. Manusia sebagai diri pribadi merupakan makhluk yang diciptakan secara sempurna oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Jika kita amati secara seksama benda-benda atau makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang ada di sekitar kita, mereka memiliki unsur yang melekat padanya, yaitu unsur benda, hidup, naluri, dan akal budi. 

Review : Windows 8 RP

      Today I will tell you about upcoming amazing OS writen by Microsoft for tablet and PC, that is Windows 8. Needed to tell, that windows 8 is currently on Release Preview state, that is a fix of previous build, windows 8 Consumer Preview. 
       What's new in windows 8 ? All I will say is live tile and metro interface. Live tile function is the same as what you see on any windows phone (not windows mobile) as it will show you instant update from your friends, news site, also your mail and weather, but still, live tiles in windows 8 is more beautiful than what you see on any windows phone 7. This is the next release after CP, so what has been fixed? If you still using CP version, I will advice you to get RP version as it free, more stable than CP version, and compatibility beetwen applications also been fixed. Only that? No! If you ever use CP version, you may will find that some built-in applications were not worked, such as weather, peoples, messaging, xbox live, and more, and more.
(xbox live on Windows 8 RP)

In this RP version, it all has been fixed, you will able to get update in your weather tile, have your friends profile picture on your peoples hub and chat with them, also sign in to your XBL account to edit your avatar and more. By upgrading to this version (if you are CP user), you will able to access windows store (which already closed for CP version) to download new applications and games for your windows and most of them are free, too. As far as this, I can conclude that RP version is far better than CP version. I have installed windows 8 RP, but where is my Office? Windows 8 RP is not brought any office version on its release, so simply, there are no office applications on this version unless you install Office applications by yourself. What version of office should I choose? All office version is run well on this version. But if you want an office application with same metro interface as windows 8, you could try Office 2013 Preview instead. That would be a perfect combination beetwen Office 2013 and Windows 8, I already gave it a try. Oh, thought Office 2013 using metro interface, it doesn't mean that you can easily "drag and drop" the windows to close it, as it still not integrated to the OS. Yeah, let our finger crossed that in future, we will able to drag and drop all applications installed on windows 8. 
(loading screen of Word 2013)

      Look like that everything is run well, isn't it? No! I am facing some problem in windows 8 RP. Please notice, that some user may will not experience this while the other may will. Firstly, in this release, it seems that IE10 is more unstable than what I experienced on IE10 on CP version. For example, while you open that, and you may want to input address manualy and have to click on web address bar and type the URL. But, in this version, when you try to type the URL, the screen will flashing black slowly (I mean the screen become darker second by second), but you still able to type it eventhough you will not see what already you type on the bar. The screen will become normal after you press enter (or just visit that URL you typed). The worse that, if you take long time to type the URL, beside the screen become darker slowly, you may will also encounter that your IE10 is crashing, it will close unexpectedly. That is only error I got in this version. Beside having error, I also feel a bit inconvenience with new windows 8 secure boot (which is used in both CP and RP, and also may in future version). Why? It is secure, so why I feel not comfortable with that? That is because I do dual booting my windows OS (7 and 8), and I like to "messing up" my windows 7 system, and windows 8 secure boot will not allows you to boot unsigned of whatever needed to boot your windows :P Messing up I meant just change whole interface including bootscreen, that means I will need to edit some system file (e.g. Explorer.exe etc.), and by editing it, make my system file become unsigned and so windows 8 secure boot will NOT allows me to boot my Windows 7 unless I revert the change to original state (fortunately, I always back up my file, so nothing I lost here :P ).  
(Windows 8 Start screen with live tiles)

      Thought there were a problem and inconvenience when using windows 8 RP, I still sure that it will be fixed soon in the future (as review is same meaning as beta or tester), and overall discretion of this RP version is make me satisfy and want to try next public release of windows 8 when it available on market around this month. Also if you're CP user, I would like to advice you to upgrade it to RP version, as you could get it free from MS sites, or you could wait RTM, Pro, or even Surface tablet when it release on market. Just to tell, both CP and RP couldn't be upgraded to any market version and will be expired around January 2013, and, there is no news about when Office 2013 Preview will expired either.

My Favourite Games on Windows Phone

          Windows Phone is a mobile OS write by Microsoft. Windows Phone have smoother interface than other OS available (in my opinion), and it support for heavy gaming on mobile phone. Microsoft has make Windows phone integrate Xbox Live feature that marks windows phone as new era of mobile gaming. There are many game on its marketplace that users can play it, and many of them are free and some of that flag-free come with Xbox Live enabled feature, that make possibility for the users to take online multiplayer games. Then I will share you my favorites games on marketplace that cost nothing aka free games and XBL enabled games which also have achievements (note : clicking game's titles will bring you to marketplace)

          1. Gun Bros by Glu (185MB)

              Gun Bros is a Xbox Live enabled game feature release by Glu on May 31, 2012. In this game, player plays a game as part of The Freakishly Rugged Advanced Genetics Galactic Enforcement Division (AKA F.R.A.G.G.E.D) that have a mission to protect the cosmos from evil Tyrannical Oppressors of Life known as T.O.O.L. The games divided into several planets, and every planets is divided to 10 revolutions (10 horde in Bokor), and every revolutions contain 50 waves (no wave in Bokor). the player have to finish all 50 waves before they can continue to the next revolution, and every wave the finished will provide them with explodium, which can be processed on refinery to make coin for buying new weapon. this game contain XBL feature that allow player to play game together with theirs XBL friends to make bigger reward and finish all bro-op. for me this game is very addictive to play, oh don't forget to add my gamertag on AliveLattice52, let's destroy that Tyrannical Oppressors of Life!

           2.  Contract Killer by Glu (176MB)
Contract Killer

         Contract Killer is another Freemium Xbox live enabled games provided by Glu and released on July 10, 2012. In this game player play game as a contract killer that have to kill person of interest that provided by city informants. In this game, player should pay attention, because the killer target walk along the road with the civilian, and player not allowed to kill any civilians or the game will over if you kill one. Overall this game is good, its 3D graphics is excellent for mobile game and the sound effect also sound great and feel so real. In XBL feature, player can co-op all co-op mission to earn bigger reward, and also can pick one of their friends to be next kill target for big reward, and the rest is up to the player if they want to take revenge or not.

          3. Bug Village by Glu (39MB)

              Bug Village is another free XBL game created by Glu. In this game, player asked to build a nice place for ants and bees to live by build them house, provide them with piles or flowers for their work and also provide them with food that make them happy to work. Bug Village come with XBL title, which mean more achievement that player can gain during the game. Though this game come with XBL title (which should pass MSFT certification), doesn't mean it doesn't have any bug. Some player may will experiencing black screen if they place much decoration on the village. Hmm, some may think not to put decoration on their garden, but unfortunately, one of seven achievements ask you to put at least 50 decorations to complete Great Decorator achievement. Then I just could tell you this, if you don't want to get that black screen, then decrease amount of your decorations when you already complete that Great Decorator.
         4. Arcane's TD by GraphicStream (34MB)

          Arcane's TD is a 3D survival tower defense game created by GraphicStream, which available on Free Version and Paid Version. There are no big difference between both versions, but the free is ads-supported while the paid one is ads-free. In both version player should defense their castle from goblin that would like to attack them with much powerful kind of goblin by build towers. There are 6 unique towers which have its unique ability that player can build to defense their castle from goblin's expansion. Also, player can upgrade their towers to provide them with powerful weapon to kill many advanced goblins. Both version also provided with free World Editor that allows player to build their own level. *Tips : turning off data connection when running free version of this game will help you to avoid overuse your data connection because of that annoying ads, but do this will make you have no access to OpenXLive service (similar to XBL)

         5. Air Soccer Fever by Dangling Concepts (17MB)

        Air Soccer Fever is an air-hockey-like game created by Dangling Concepts. Like Arcane's TD, it also has Free and Paid version. This game is similar to air hockey games, so if you play that, you would understand how this game works too. The difference of air hockey and this game is, this game use 1-3 (player's choice) hockey mallet(s) at once as soccer player and one hockey puck as a ball, while air hockey just use one mallet for each players. The rest of this game is all the same as air hockey. This game also give players an online gaming against random players in the world. Oh, a reason I like this is because I playing this on my Windows 8 (Yes, Windows 8 is exist, but now it still reach RP version) under windows store (only windows 8 can access this), and the only different between this version and win8 version that in win8 we play it with 1-5 mallet(s) at once for each player. Happy Gaming :)

My Opinion about Lumia 710

           In May 2012, I got a new phone bought by my brother for my birthday present (though my b-day already passed so far), and I asked him to bought a Nokia Lumia 710 for my birthday present instead of BB. Things I like and be big reasons why I choose that phone instead other phone is its different. I like to try something new and different, when many peoples choose iOS, Android, etc. I choose nokia L710 because of its new OS Windows Phone. For me WP provide me different kind of phone, because it came with metro UI and Live Tiles. About three months has passed after I own my L710, and I thought I would like to share you what I think about this phone.

          1. Built-in Office
                 Office apps is a must-have apps for any smartphone on the market today. Think about buy a smartphone without ability to work with office document, it will feel like buying a basic phone in a high price. The built in office mobile on this phone is help me enough to save my time for searching office apps on the net (I remember that I should download an Office app to open documents on my old phone). The office mobile on this phone is easy to use, and it open PPT document on its full format, but I thought it will not show you the full transition effect, especially if you saved your file in Office 2010. I have no idea why it couldn't show the full transition effect (especially Office 2010 effect, it has awesome ones), may built-in office mobile is based on office 2007 ? I don't think so ! I checked its version number and it shows v14.5 (while Office 2010 is v14.0), but why it can't show full feature? Oh I see, it's a mobile version, lol :P

           2. Gaming performance
               Another reasons for me to buy WP device is its gaming feature and yes I got it on my phone, -Xbox Live feature. There much HD games that runs sooo smoothly on my L710 (also on other WP devices). I ever felt a bit upset about three physical buttons on the bottom of the screen, cause it feels like old nokia phone, BUT I know why they make it that. Some says L710 is designated for mobile gaming uses, so the physical buttons will prevent you from accidentally hit that button while playing game. I heard a bit that some L800 users touch theirs buttons accidentally while playing a game and it make their game quit accidentally (yes, on of the button is "back" that could mean quit/exit :P). Though Xbox Live still not supported on my region, but I could still accesses it by registering my ID to US region (unfortunately I couldn't purchase a game cause of it). There are some many great games I like and some of it is freemium Xbox live games. check it out on My Favourite Games on Windows Phone.

          3. NO! The WP Summit Ruined My experiences
              This is a very very great news that really make me annoyed, disappointed, ignored. Yes, in 20 June 2012, MSFT held an event to tell public the future of Windows Phone. At first I read (I read in a site that show instant update every second) I feel so pleased that WP8 will bring much feature, BUT after I heard that current gen of WP7 (also mine) will NOT get an upgrade to WP8, and it will stuck only at WP7.8, I feel much much disappointed. That is very bad news for current gen owner, because their device will become legacy after WP8 released on October this years. I can't tell how the L900 owners' fell, especially for those who bought it at full price (without operator's contract). Oke, oke, I can forget my disappointment after I know that it's hardware relative that not bring the update, but I still have a wishlist about brings WP8 feature that doesn't require hardware to WP7.8.

That's just my opinion so don't blame me if it so subjective, because back to its title - My Opinion. There are still many thing I wanted to share you about L710, but I don't know the best way to write it on English (that's not my mother language), and about the WP Developer Summit, you can read it here - No Windows Phone 8 Upgrade for Current Windows Phone